Letter to Younger Self

Posted by Tai on 7:37 AM

Dear Me (18 months ago)

It is you’re older and of course wiser self speaking… You are very happy at home and busy doing a film course. You believe that your life will only become better once you move away from home and walk on your own feet. You also seemed to believe being away from home would help you to curb and destroy that shyness attribute in you that you so hated.

You know you love to dance and in turn therefore love going out. Before making the decision of where you want to spend your university career, you should answer the following questions:
1) Are you sure in your choice of your degree?
2) Have you gone for career counselling to enable you have made a sound decision?
3) Is your particular choice of university the right choice for you?
4) Will the particular university help you to become your own person?
5) Does it allow for your particular brand of partying?

If you have one or more answers that begin with an “N” and end with an “O” then my dear little me you have not thought your decision through. If you have those answers and still choose not to heed your wiser self’s advice, then you are making a HUGE mistake. The place you are thinking about is not the place for you. You will have many bad nights where you will feel completely alone. Even though you will make your fair share of friends, it will still not help you to forget about home and all the people you love who you have left behind.

So therefore I am leaving you this letter to help in your decision making.

Your friend and foe