Posted by truthaboutlies101 on 9:43 AM


Comment by NewStreet on October 16, 2008 at 1:10 PM

I thought this was a brilliant photo comic. The use of characters and the role they played beautifully captured the plot of the story. I think by depicting the lecturer as the villain and the Journ 1 student as the princess you have drawn the attention of many journalism students as I am sure they feel the same way. I felt as if it were me going through the stresses of JMS1 all over again because it is exactly how I feel at this moment in time. Being tempted by friends to go out the night before an assignment is due is also typical of Rhodes University students. I do however hope that none of us find ourselves in this position at the end of this year. Awesome job.

Comment by Anonymous on October 19, 2008 at 5:39 PM

What a funny comic. I really enjoyed it. You can clearly see the distinction between the villain being the teacher and he hero being the student as per Todorov’s classification. It was also very pleasing to the eyes as many bright colours were used and it attracts you and grasps your attention. The expressions on her face were also well captured and fitted the dialogue well, making the dialogue interesting and funny which made it pleasant to read and I enjoyed the comic a lot. You can see that a lot of preparation was put into the creation of this comic and I believe that is good.