Posted by truthaboutlies101 on 2:03 PM


Comment by Unknown on October 17, 2008 at 6:08 AM

I can see why you felt hurt by that statement and I respect the fact that you’re standing up for your religion and culture. But the thing is, I don’t think she meant to be rude. I think she was just trying to find out what’s your full name because Khatiya sounds like short for a longer name, no matter what culture or religion you are. You have a beautiful name and I don’t think she tried to be offensive to your culture and religion. Although, I do think she made the wrong choice of words. She should’ve said it in a softer, inoffensive way, so you could be clear of her intentions. I do understand that people sometimes make assumptions about cultures but it doesn’t mean that they’re being ignorant; I think they rather want to learn more about you and your cultures/religion. University is a place of learning more about things (including other people) after all.

You really do have a beautiful name and I think it's a wonderful and powerful thing that you're so proud of who you are!

Peace out!

Comment by truthaboutlies101 on October 18, 2008 at 2:50 AM

I understand your point and perhaps you're right, maybe she didn't mean to be rude or offensive but you can see where I'm coming from. It's not just her comment, but the many I've received since being here at Rhodes. People become satisfied when I say my two other names and this is what makes me realise that there are people who are fixed on a certain belief or idea. Also the fact that I get comments like "Does that mean your parents are Indian?". This shows me that some people are really ignorant. Of course I understand that we're at University to learn, about about everything, including the different people we come across. I am more than happy to tell people more about myself, how I am a Muslim and my family. there are many things I don't know and wish to learn about, if someone says something that I've never heard of I'll ask him or her but I won't make any presuppositions like the reference to my being a black Muslim and my parents being Indian. Thank you for the comment though, I see where you're coming from. you raised a point that got me thinking. I appreciate it!
Lotsa love